White polycarbonate skin: ILOT H Building

The more than 40 tons of polycarbonate on the façade make it probably the building with the highest tonnage of compact polycarbonate installed in France. The building designed by the prestigious French studio, Jacques Ferrier Architectures of Paris, rises 10 floors above one of the newly developed areas of the French city. The facade, attractive due to its design in different patterns, is made up of 12 mm compact polycarbonate panels in high-density translucent white.

Polimer Tecnic is proud to announce the completion of this façade in which several innovations have been developed, especially from the point of view of materials, with its customized mass coloration, with several color and light transmission tests until the requirements are met. the architect, as well as various fire tests. The execution of Polimer Tecnic is innovative as it is the first facade in France to obtain fire certification for a plate greater than 6 mm thick.
The polycarbonate skin acts as a solar filter as well as homogenizes the image of the facade with the adjoining buildings. Its smooth finish reflects and captures the hues of light from the sky, giving it a changeable appearance throughout the day.